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Shady El Noshokaty

Source : http://www.universes-in-universe.de

© Shady El Noshokaty

The Tree of my Grandmother's House - The Dialogue, 2001 Video installation

1971 Damiette, Egypt. Lives in Cairo.

Shady El Noshokaty is Adjunct Instructor in the PVA Department, teaching courses in contemporary issues. His is also Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Art Education at Helwan University in Cairo. He was born in Dammieta, Egypt, and has studied in both Egypt and the U.S. He holds a B.F.A. and M.A. from Helwan University, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate there. Through a Fulbright Award he also studied in the U.S. at the Art Institute of Chicago. His work has been exhibited internationally, including Washington, D.C., Germany, France, the UK, and in the 48th International Venice Biennale. His current work explores the theme of identity through multimedia animation, digital graphics, and video installation.


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